Monday 11 April 2011

Summary of As Coursework Media Blog

I feel this media project has been a great experience for me. I have found the course to be challanging at times but overall enjoyable.
I have learnt allot about the film industry and how there is more to a film then just filming, editing takes up a HUGE part in film making. I have also learnt that to make a film you must think about lighting, sound, camera angles and mise en scene.
If i could have started my course over again I would have tried to pace myself more so that I had more time to make final ajustments to my blog and film opening.
If I pass my AS media course I will most definitely be returning to complete my A2 Media Studies.

Thank You.

Friday 8 April 2011

Opening Sequence Evaluation

Evaluation Completed

Today I recorded my evaluation. I was running low on time as I had to do an individual evaluation because I could no longer get in touch with my group. I answered the questions as best as I could but had to record myself in one take due to the time shortage, meaning the recording was not as good as it could have been, neither was the presentation of the powerpoint, however I did it with the little time I had and managed to complete it. Enjoy :)

Opening Sequence

Opening Sequence final product

This is our final product of our opening sequence. I am pleased with the result of our work and feel we have achieved the horror genre by using the convensions applied.
If I could change the film I would have liked to have filmed at a darker time of the day. However if we had done so I don't think we would have been able to film as much due to everyones after school scheduals.I like the variation of camera shots used and the mise en scene we applied. I think we have successfully created a horror product. I would have liked to have created our own production name and logo but was unable to because of being short on time and group absences.

Things I like about the film:
  • Variation of camera angles (especially worms eye view as the victim walks towards and steps over the camer)
  • The costume of the killer (created by myself) I feel is realistic and scary.
  • The setting (The forest was thick and dense creating an isolated and suffercated feel).
  • The music(I feel it went well with the genre and created fear in the audience)
Things I felt could be improved:
  • Tension could have been built sooner by introducing quick flashes of the killer.
  • Dialogue could have been clearer.
  • Lighting could have been darker.
  • More blood.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Final Editing Update

Today was my last chance to finnish editing our opening sequence. I feel I did all I could to improve it in the time I had, sadly I did not have enough to do my final improvement which was to make our own production company and logo. However i did manage to sync the music better into the killers actions meaning there was no delay between music when the killer stepped in front of the camera or turns around in the final scene. I am happy with my editing process although I also would have liked the change from music piece one to go smoother into music piece 2 instead of just a one piecing stopping and the other starting. I would have like to try and merge these.

Opening Sequence First Draft Completed

We finnished our first draft of our opening sequence today. I am happy with the sequence however I feel there could still be some improvements to it such as our own company name and logo and a darker, dimmer lighting creating more of a horror effect. Sam will not be able to help with editing now as he is going to be absent from school until the end of the easter holidays, meaning I will have to try and edit by myself or with Ruba and Sepideh.